Words of randomness

1 min readSep 25, 2020

For the first time in my damn small mind, I got idea to write a blog. Not like blog, more like journaling if you please.

I am journaling while attending my online Chinese class and wondering how people can be polyglots. How come do these amazing people learn languages so easily? I am out here trying my best but couldn’t even pronounce my tones right, feel like a LOSER. But still I can say, Ni Hao my dawgs, and that is still inspiring. Hui mingtian. Hui xuexiao, qihao? dao, still progressing.

I also pretty overwhelmed by the upcoming test on 27th Sep. You know I really want that scholarship for god’s sake. 5 years, heavenlike rich af you know. I was thinking about applying school abroad, maybe in Europe or Canada. But UFE classes, homework, assignment are heavy and hard. Man, why at the first place did I choose to study in UFE not NUM? I even had my law go greened. I could have chosen NUM and not study Business language blah blah. It is what it is.

Even if you are 18, you are not financially independent. I actually thought I can work and earn. But nope, I can’t because of busy schedule. Aya laifu, how could I escape from ya. So I guess it is my very first blog. I apologize if i am too negative or pessimistic. You know? IDGAF.


