Small world big heart

1 min readNov 23, 2020

Man, life is eternal melancholy. Philophobia- fear of falling in love, selenophile- a person who loves moon, I am both. If Somebody perfect or Mr Right comes to my life, all I could ask for him is to leave in the space of loneliness and anxiety ship. Aya, world is small, but human’s heart is too big. Big enough to fit whole solar system in. I don’t know what I am writing about at this point but I do know I am hesitated. I doubt about who I am going to be or who I am creating. I am worried if I die alone AFTER ALL, what is the point of loving? Maybe to feel the warmest tenderness, or lust for life. If only I knew how does if feel like to be in love, I could explain with better and belief words. But unfortunately, I have never ever been passionate about someone. To touch their hand, hug and kiss them, the idea of being somebody’s priority was completely beyond my expectation. I am tired now. Let me write dot in here. And answer this question What’s love? (reminds of Twice’s song)

