2 min readOct 8, 2020


Small crush on big boys

Being a student in UFE is fine, well we have too much homework but still find a way. My very first university experience was “Department trip” with all student in my our department. It was fun and good where I made cool memories. It has been normal until the end. You read it right, the end. After 12 hours of fun activities and busy day, We finally got to leave the place in a bus. I was sitting alone as usual because you know I love my space, suddenly a boy come out of from nowhere which was totally fine with me. He asked “ Can I sit here?” I definitely said yes without even looking at his face. He said his name, I said mine. I was so comfortable with him, i did not even have to lie about my feeling and anxiety, we talked a lot about almost everything. I found him interesting, and admired him in my mind that man, he is working hard to get there (his aim is high, similar with mine and other kids, but i saw something from him that i could not explain) He seemed like open-minded smart guy. All I noticed from him was high red cap. He gave me strange feeling i have never felt or heard, it was not love, it was not small crush, for the first time in my life, i was interested in somebody just because their goal and discipline, attitude. Afterwards, seeing him in light he was handsome and cute. Thank you for appearing into my life. I hope you will get what you wanted and i will be your secret admirer and supporter for good!

P.S He is in crush-zone for now, but in the long run i hope we will be good friends. :)

